Collection: Which dessert wine goes well with apple desserts?

A delicious dessert wine that goes well with apple desserts is a sweet white wine, such as a Riesling Spätlese from Germany or a Sauternes from Bordeaux, France, or an (apple) icewine. These wines often have notes of honey, apricot and peach that combine nicely with the sweet and fruity flavors of the apple in the dessert.

Another option is a fortified wine, such as a port or a sherry. For example, a ruby ​​port would go well with a baked apple dessert, while a cream sherry would go well with an apple pie or an apple crumble.

If you prefer a sparkling wine, a demi-sec Champagne or an Asti Spumante from Italy would be a good choice. These wines also have sweet notes that emphasize and complement the flavors of the apple in the dessert.

Below are some great suggestions of dessert wines from our range that pair well with apple.